IN Paraguay

What services are provided?

InterGest Paraguay was formed in 2000 to assist foreign companies in establishing and developing their business activities in Paraguay.

Diego Troche Robbiani graduated with a doctorate in law from the National University of Asuncion. He wrote a book about the Expropriation in the Paraguayan law. Diego Troche Robbiani has a long successful experience in his profession and is a member of Estudio Troche, Abogados. He also assisted the Rural Association of Paraguay in the preparation of some projects of laws, and has been an advisor of several parliament members in drawing up various laws related to economic matters.


Where to find Intergest Paraguay?
InterGest Paraguay has its office in Asuncion, capital of the Republic of Paraguay. This city is where the Mercosur treaty was signed. The economic community is made up by Argentina, Brasil, Paraguay, Uruguay and Venezuela as country members, Chile, Bolivia, Peru, Colombia and Ecuador as supporting members. The community represents a free market with approx. 260 million consumers. Due to its geographical situation Asuncion is located in a privileged place within the Mercosur. Paraguay enjoys one of the most attractive tax situations in the region.



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