Unlocking France after May 11th:

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I cordially greet you from France where in a week’s time our life – but not everything - shall be restored to the status before the "confinement" (shutdown).

France has three colours these days: not "bleu-blanc-rouge" but "green-yellow-red". If you <link https: soins-et-maladies maladies maladies-infectieuses coronavirus etat-des-lieux-et-actualites article indicateurs-de-l-activite-epidemique _blank external-link-new-window internal link in current>follow this (French) link you can see which areas are still badly affected by the Corona virus and which are less affected. It is not so much the speed of the infections spreading that have e.g. Alsace and Lorraine classified as "rouge", but rather the burden the virus is imposing on the healthcare system.

Since this classification primarily affects social and less professional life, we will be able to allow our InterGest France employees to return to our offices on May 11th despite the above mentioned “rouge” classification. We are very happy about this positive development especially since we know from our employees that they miss their colleagues and the personal interaction.

In doing so, we will bring some of our new achievements in the field of digitalisation into our “new normal”.  In the past few weeks, we have taken a huge step forward in this field, exploring new ways of communicating, personnel management and document entry - to name just three.

At this point, let me say a word of thanks to our clients: many of you have given us moral support during the most difficult time of the shutdown and, above all, expressed your appreciation for our employees for their great work. The positive feedback has inspired our staff to work even harder to ensure our clients in France are taken good care of. Thank you very much for that.

Should you need/want to travel to France soon, you will <link https: actualites l-actu-du-ministere attestation-de-deplacement-et-de-voyage _blank external-link-new-window internal link in current>find the necessary documents here (also in English). Until the end of this very special situation, I´m afraid, it will unfortunately be mandatory to carry certain documents with you.

We will be more than happy to assist you if you have questions or need help – please feel free to get in touch with us.

For today I remain deeply connected and sincerely,

Prof. Peter Anterist