What services are provided?
InterGest Austria was founded 1996 to assist foreign companies in establishing and developing their business activities in Austria. Since 2012 InterGest Austria is managed by Mag. Elisabeth Heller and Dr. Anne Fraydenegg. In 2015 Natalie Thon, BA pth, MBA took over the part of managing director from Dr. Anne Fraydenegg, who is now dedicated to international M & A projects.
Mag. Elisabeth Heller is entrepreneur and chairperson of Heller Consult Tax and Business Solutions GmbH founded in 1991. She is member of GSA (German Speakers Association) and very welcome keynote speaker, especially at topics around the Clan (E. Heller: ClanValue®, Berlin 2006, Econ Verlag), family business and cultural behaviour with focus on the Arab Gulf. Over the years working in the international tax field she has built a broad national and international network of experienced partners.
Natalie Thon, BA Pth, MBA is an expert in marketing and business development. She assists clients in the exploration and survey of the Austrian market. Based on several longer stays abroad, language courses and travels she is well acquainted with different cultures. Natalie Thon completed studies in the fields of psychology, marketing and sales. She is a graduate of the " European Business License” and has a MBA for International Management & Communication.
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Where to find Intergest Austria?
InterGest Austria is located in Vienna, nearby all important authorities and banks. Vienna is THE hub for Central and Eastern Europe. Due to a traditionally close relationship as well as to geographical proximity many international companies decide to start their expansion into Central and Eastern Europe by establishing a subsidiary in Austria.